(photo: Eric Dessons)
(photo: crédit inconnu)
"Technicolor" (vidéo: Brice Martinat / Guillaume Arbogast / Antoine / Prior Intent)
"1789" (vidéo: Gaspard Carpenter)
"1789" (vidéo: Hollywood Chewing Gum "Mexican Wave" TV spot 2014)
"Album Release Party" à La Boule Noire (Paris, France) le 28 février 2014 (vidéo: Hervé Carresse)
Joinville, France
Garage-Rock / Power Pop
Non, Joinville ne produit pas que des bébé-rockers à la Naast ou BB Brunes !
Hugo Fabbri: chant / guitare
Grégoire Dessons: choeurs / basse
Nicolas Maïa: batterie
"On Heat" (2014, LP, Rodrigue Mercier-Lourthioux / Fuzzy Vox) mixé par le producteur suédois Pelle Gunnerfeldt (The Hives, Refused, les Wampas...)
"Technicolor" (2012, EP, Rodrigue Mercier-Lourthioux / Fuzzy Vox)
"Off The Beaten Track" (2012, EP, Rodrigue Mercier / Fuzzy Vox)
"Here's The Fuzz" (2011, démo, Fuzzy Vox)
Distribution / Medias:
Management / booking bars et clubs: booking@fuzzyvox.com (Rodrigue Mercier-Lourthioux)
Booking salles et festivals:
Feb 27th: Le Point Éphémère (Paris, France) with CHEAP RIOT
May 22nd: L'Alimentation Générale (DJ set) (Paris, France) with THE PSYCHOTIC MONKS (concert)
March 20th: Café La Pêche (Montreuil, France) with BIKINI MACHINE
March 13th: EMB (Sannois, France) with THE STRUTS and EDEN PILL
Fev 7th: La Clef (*) (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France) with WASHINGTON DEAD CATS
Jan 22nd: FGO - Barbara (Paris, France) with MILAN, AMARILLO and NICO AND THE RED SHOES
(*) dates bookées par Music won't stop
Dec 17th: L'Astrolabe (Orléans, France)
Dec 13th: Le Batolune (Honfleur, France)
Nov 9th: Roubaix Vintage Weekender (*) (Roubaix, France)
Oct 10th: JIMI / Festi'Val de Marne (*) (Ivry-sur-Seine, France)
Oct 3rd: La Pêche (Montreuil)
Sept 13th: Festival Univart (Béziers, France)
Sept 12th: Divan du Monde (Paris, France)
August 28th: Festcoubille Festival (Saint-Génies-de-Fontedit, France)
August 23rd: Gutter Island Garage Rock Festival (Vondinborg, Danemark)
July 19th: Festival Les Pendules à l'heure (Le Mans, France)
June 28th: Linkert Attacks from Mars Festival (Jars, France)
June 15th: El Diablo (Lille, France)
June 13th: Appart Café (Reims, France)
June 7th: L'Ubu (Perpignan, France)
June 6th: Black Sheep (Montpellier, France)
June 5th: Expresso Club (Orthez, France)
June 3rd: La Sirène (*) (La Rochelle, France)
June 1st: Brin de Zinc (Chambéry, France)
May 31st: Base Bar (Lausanne, Suisse)
May 30th: Toï Toï Le Zinc (Villeurbanne / Lyon, France)
May 29th: La Péniche Cancale (Dijon, France)
April 26th: Place Gordaine (17h) / Zic en Ville / Printemps dans la Ville (Bourges, France)
April 26th: Cultura (14h, showcase) (Bourges, France)
April 25th: Rue Coursalon (16h30) / Zic en Ville / Printemps dans la Ville (Bourges, France)
April 24th: Rue Coursalon (16h30) / Zic en Ville / Printemps dans la Ville (Bourges, France)
April 23rd: Beau Bar / Printemps dans la Ville (Bourges, France)
April 17th: Soulcat (Joinville, France)
April 12th: Emporium Gallorium (Rouen, France)
April 5th: West Rock (*) (Cognac, France)
Feb 28th: La Boule Noire (Paris, France)
(*) dates bookées par Music won't stop
Dec 14th: La Pêche (Montreuil, France)
Dec 13th: Madame Moustache (Brussels, Belgium)
Dec 12th: Panic Room (Essen, Germany)
Dec 11th: Molotow music club (Hambourg, Germany)
Dec 10th: Subway To Peter (Chemnitz, Germany)
Dec 9th: Waterhole (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Dec 7th: Monk's (Lille, France)
Dec 6th: Appart Café (Reims, France)
Dec 5th: Brin de Zinc (Chambery, France)
Dec 3rd: Caveau du Sommelier (Olten, Switzerland)
Dec 2nd: Taverne de la République (Geneva, Switzerland)
Dec 1st: Le Volume (Nice, France)
Nov 30th: Rock'n'roll Milano (Milano, Italy)
Nov 29th: Base Bar (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Nov 28th: Péniche Sirius (Lyon, France)
Oct 11th: Gibus (Paris, France)
Sept 5th: Petit Bain (Paris, France)
Aug 9th: Le Volume (Nice, France)
July 27th: RockSide (Sénart, France)
July 11th: Wunderbar (Bordeaux, France)
July 13th: Le Petit Furet (Millau, France)
June 29th: Festival Mazeroll'n'rock (Mazerolles, France)
June 28th: Bus Palladium (Paris, France)
June 21st: Beau Bar (Bourges, France)
June 15th: Monk's (Lille, France)
June 14th: The Dublin Castle (London, England)
June 13th: La Mauvaise Herbe (Calais, France)
June 1st: Cultura (showcase, Festival Mazeroll'n'rock) (Chasseneuil du Poitou, France)
June 7th: Scène Bastille (Paris, France)
April 27th: Caf' et Rouge (Festival Printemps de Bourges) (Bourges, France)
April 25th: L'Européen (Festival Printemps de Bourges) (Bourges, France) April 18th: La Mécanique Ondulatoire (Paris, France)
March 15th: La Bonne Ambiance (Champigny, France)
Feb 15th: Le Garage (Paris, France)
Feb 8th: La Mécanique Ondulatoire (Paris, France)
Dec 22nd: RockSide (Savigny Le Temple, France)
Dec 21st: Microsoft (private party) (Paris, France)
Dec 15th: Mairie (Sauveterre de Bearn, France)
Dec 14th: Expresso Club (Orthez, France)
Dec 13th: OPA (Paris, France)
Dec 8th: Les Petits Curieux (Rennes, France)
Dec 7th: Le Chat Noir (Nantes, France)
Dec 1st: Le Petit Furet (Millau, France)
Nov 29th: Le Blogg (Lyon, France)
Nov 27th: Le Puy de la Lune (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Nov 24th: CMA Jean Vilar (Champigny, France)
Nov 23rd: Le Chinois (Montreuil, France)
Nov 22nd: Le Soul cat (Joinville, France)
Nov 17th: La Mauvaise Herbe (Calais, France)
Nov 16th: Le Bottleneck (Dunkerque, France)
Oct 27th: Les Combustibles (Paris, France)
Sept 28th: Scène Bastille (Paris, France)
June 1st: Virgin Megastore Barbès (Paris, France)
May 26th: Buckhingam Café (Chatellerault, France)
Feb 17th: Les Combustibles (Paris, France)
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July 1st: Festival Rock sur Marne (Saint Maur, France)
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